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Dear Prospective Employee,

Thank you for your interest in a professional position at Bishop Kelley High School. Our website allows you to acquire general information about our school and its mission and learn what we are looking for in a prospective employee. Below you’ll find links to current openings and job descriptions.


Once you familiarize yourself with our school and mission and determine that you are interested in a...teaching/administrative, substitute (short or long-term), or coaching position at Bishop Kelley, the first step is to apply via this site.


As a diocesan Catholic high school, we first and foremost hire for mission. We expect that professionals who apply are appropriately qualified for a position with the necessary degree, certification (as necessary) and appropriate experience. Specifics regarding a position will be included in the job description. If you are not compatible and not comfortable with our educational ministry, then please do not submit your cover letter and resume. Bishop Kelley High School is an outstanding educational environment in which to work and minister to the youth of the Diocese of Tulsa. Thank you again for your interest in Bishop Kelley, and I wish you the best in your career pursuits.


Click the links below for more information:
Teaching in a Diocesan Catholic School
Catholic Identity and Legal Perspective


Yours in Christ,
Sister Mary Hanah Doak, RSM | President

For Questions, E-Mail:


Daily/Long-Term Substitute Opportunities

  • Substitute Teacher: Comes into the classroom and carries out lesson plan for short term
  • Requirement: Bachelor’s degree 
  • Pay: $25 per class per day (Three classes possible)
  • Long Term Substitute (10 days or more): Makes a longer commitment which usually includes instruction, guiding and grading, following the teacher’s vision and direction. The teacher still drives planning and assessments.
  • Requirement: Bachelor’s degree required
  • Pay: $33 per class per day (Three classes possible)
  • Teacher of Record: A teacher who comes in and carries out all aspects of a class from grading to planning to assessment and instruction.
  • Requirement: Bachelor's degree required
  • Pay: $45 per class per day (Three classes possible)


If you would like to apply for a substitute opportunity, please email Mary Danz, Administrative Assistant to the Principal and Vice-Principal at and the necessary forms to apply will be sent to you. All other employment inquiries and resumes should be sent to

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Join the Talent Community for BISHOP KELLEY HIGH SCHOOL INC!
    Can't find what you are looking for? Upload your resume and Join the Talent Community for BISHOP KELLEY HIGH SCHOOL INC!