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Job Details

Shady Side Academy Middle School - Pittsburgh, PA
Full Time
4 Year Degree


Position Description

Shady Side Academy is a diverse and inclusive school community that seeks a dynamic educator to support its mission and serve as its Middle School Lead Librarian effective August 15, 2025.

Reporting to the Head of the Middle School and working closely with the Assistant Librarian, the Lead Librarian will champion our students' love of reading. Shady Side Middle School is a school of readers with a prominent Core Reading program in which all students read a book a month at minimum. Our library is central to our curriculum and our purpose. We seek an experienced Middle School librarian to continue integrating the library and its resources into our daily lives and courses. The librarian supervises the library, teaches research and information literacy skills, partners with the faculty to develop and support student projects and reading interests, and facilitates reading through book talks, reading projects and book clubs. The librarian also manages the library budget and oversees the acquisition and cataloging of all print, electronic, and reference resources. A full-time member of the faculty, the librarian serves as a student advisor and has coaching duties for the Middle School.


Skills and Experience

  • A strong team orientation to curriculum design and problem-solving.
  • Demonstrated expertise in middle school education, scaffolding research skills, designing and teaching information literacy and media studies, and curation of a

contemporary library catalog.

  • An established background in faculty collaboration. In particular, the English department works closely with the library on the Core Reading program, summer reading program, and its general curriculum·
  • Well read and current in the diverse collection of age appropriate middle school genres.
  • Proven track record of at least two years of experience in a similar position, preferably in an independent school setting.
  • Familiarity with Canvas and other educational applications.
  • Proficiency in the use and instruction of Follett Destiny Discover Catalog System.

Personal Qualities

· Mission-driven; curious, eager to learn and collaborate with others

Detail-oriented, flexible & responsible

· Excellent communication skills with students, families, and colleagues

· Sense of humor


· MLS or MLIS Degree (Required)
