Director of Safety & Security/ Chief of Police
SNU Public Safety
A sworn police officer who will assist in providing a safe environment for students, faculty, staff, and visitors of Southern Nazarene University. Provide proactive law enforcement services for unlawful activities on SNUs main campus or off-campus locations. Provide knowledge and experience from a law enforcement standpoint in collaboration with other university departments.
Essential Functions:
- Enforce applicable state, local, federal laws and campus policies.
- Conduct foot and mobile patrols of the campus, facilities and vicinity.
- Work special events on campus when a law enforcement presence is needed.
- Enforce parking and other university regulations; Respond to reports of criminal activity and accidents; write reports.
- Conduct field interviews.
- Write citations for traffic violations on city streets.
- Administers field training program and trains new and tenured employees.
- Attend departmental training, as requested or required.
- Maintain accurate activity log; write & submit comprehensive reports.
- Provide emergency assistance during natural emergencies, fires, accidents, and personal injuries.
- Orally communicate campus regulations, rules and policies to members of the campus community and others on campus.
- Coordinate, with dispatchers and other officers, field activity via hand-held radio, and to receive information from such sources via hand-held radio.
- Provide transport and escort services to university officials and visiting dignitaries.
- Motorist Assist with lost key entries, jump starts and flat tires.
- Provide dispatch or departmental support services, as requested.
- Work collaboratively with other officers, staff, supervisors, and guests.
- Meet and maintain all standards and requirements for physical agility, strength and conditioning, and firearms, as required.
- Maintain a professional appearance and demeanor at all times.
- Remain proficient with all training relating to the carry and use of firearms.
- Coordinate and provide support for parking and crowd management at major events on campus or off campus facilities.
- Assist law enforcement agencies with support and proper information in a timely manner regarding calls received and violation of laws on campus.
- Other duties and responsibilities as assigned.