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Job Details

Oklahoma City, OK
4 Year Degree



The list below gives a general, though not comprehensive, description of the basic tasks a teacher normally will be required to perform and will be evaluated upon. The teacher will comply with all applicable school policies and guidelines, including those addressed in the Employee Handbook and the Safety Manual. This job description is to be used in cooperation with the specific blueprint and educational strategies/goals determined for each grade level and in close conjunction with the Teacher Evaluation Form.  Basic tasks include:




The teacher is expected to:


  • Consistently exhibit the fruit of the Spirit, spiritual maturity and Christian character before his or her students, parents and the rest of the school.
  • Exhibit humility and grace in leading the class and model repentance. The teacher is to actively and joyfully participate in Matins, staff meetings, and school assemblies.
  • Seek biblical solutions to problems with empathy and grace; humbly listening to, considering and respecting the positions of others (students, parents, administration and colleagues).
  • Understand the purpose and culture of The Academy while striving to uphold, build up and contribute to its mission and vision.





The teacher is expected to:


  • Demonstrate a biblical approach to work in all areas including punctuality, attitude, speech, appearance, and attention to duties.
  • Refrain from engaging in casual social contact with any parent or teacher of the opposite sex.
  • Grow in understanding and application of classical and Christian principles of education.
  • Pursue and nurture personal spiritual growth.
  • Maintain an open and trusting relationship with administration and peers while addressing concerns in a manner consistent with the guidelines of the Academy Relational Covenant (believing the best about others; talk to and not about each other; stand shoulder to shoulder).
  • Adapts with flexibility, open-mindedness, calmness and optimism to necessary changes (e.g. curriculum, facility needs, class structure, scheduling, etc.).
  • Interacts with administration, colleagues, parents and students with patience, tolerance, empathy and humor to maintain positive relationships.
  • Attend mandatory in-service/staff meetings; participate in teacher mentoring opportunities and other mandatory attendance events.
  • Understand that he/she may occasionally be asked to combine classes (elementary), or if available, to step in as a sub (all grades) in the event of last minute, unexpected staffing needs.





The teacher is expected to:


            Classroom Management


  • Set up simple, manageable class routines to accomplish basic tasks, such as homework collection, materials storage and distribution, etc.
  • Enforce classroom and school discipline policies to provide an orderly atmosphere of mutual respect.
  • Be prepared to apply consistently both the letter and spirit of the school rules, training children to joyfully obey them.
  • Ensure that students should understand what is expected of them and display an acceptable degree of self-discipline.


            Planning and Communication


  • Create weekly grammar school lesson plans that are clearly written and turned in on time each week.
  • Make good and wise use of approved curriculum guide and blueprint while skillfully moving students toward mastering learning objectives.
  • Prepare necessary materials for a substitute teacher.
  • Weekly and quarterly plans should reflect creativity and a good use of class time.
  • Maintain communication with “specials” teachers (art, music, language, etc.) and express to students that these subjects are equal in importance to the other subjects they study. 
  • Communicate well and often with parents; providing friendly and constructive updates/feedback that expresses empathy and respect in written and verbal communication. Encourage parental involvement and feedback and communicate to parents by manner and word that the partnership between teachers and parents in teaching children is highly valued. Emphasis should be placed on getting to know the families well, as well as letting them know what is happening in the class. The parents should feel welcome to visit and assist in the classroom.


            Learning Environment


  • Maintain a neat, organized, clean and stimulating classroom environment for students, which should be decorated in accordance with our aesthetic guidelines and used in its entirety to engage students with material.


            Lesson Presentation


  • Be thoroughly informed and knowledgeable about the subjects assigned to teach, and reflect interest in each subject, using mimetic instruction consistently and appropriately. In Grammar School these subjects generally will be: Bible, mathematics, phonics, literature, spelling, grammar, handwriting, writing, science and history. In Upper School, teachers generally will focus on their areas of specialty.
  • Articulate a Biblical worldview and apply biblical truth to relevant situations, thereby communicating the relevance of God to all areas of knowledge; teaches subjects in manner consistent with biblical narrative of redemption. Uses classical teaching methods appropriate to students’ age.
  • Encourage students to see how all subjects are interrelated, as parts of God’s integrated universe, using clear language and age- appropriate vocabulary.
  • Memorize all bible verses, chronologies, jingles, songs, chants, catechism answers, etc. required of the students (this may be done over a reasonable amount of time).
  • Use clear language, appropriate vocabulary, and correct grammar and spelling in all lesson presentations.



  •  Employ a variety of teaching methods consistent with the relevant stage of the Trivium including but not limited to: comprehension checks; rephrasing of concepts by students; inductive questioning; recitations, chants, songs, acronyms, summaries, reviews; and illustrations, applications, and demonstrations.
  • Utilize the objectives, materials, priorities, and methods prescribed in the curriculum guide, and encourage students to see how all subjects are interrelated.
  • Observe common teaching and reinforcement practices to promote student success:


  • Regularly check for comprehension; does not assume students understand new ideas/terms.
  • Ask students to rephrase materials in their own words.
  • Begin with review of familiar material before introducing new concepts.



            Student Learning


  • Enable students to grow by providing classroom opportunities for prayer, worship, fellowship, and teaching of God’s Word.
  • Take reasonable measures in stimulating and maintaining the students’ interest in the material while recognizing and reasonably compensating for needs of individual students.
  • Confirm that students are making reasonable progress toward curriculum objectives.
  • Measure students’ progress using a variety of formal and informal means, including quizzes, tests, and proficiency exams, games, drills, and contests, etc.


Physical Requirements


  • Able to sit, talk, hear and maintain awareness of visitors to the classroom.
  • Able to lift up to 30 lbs.
  • Able to stand for extended periods of time as needed.
  • Able to work at desk and computer for extended periods of time as needed.
  • Able to turn, bend, reach and occasionally use a ladder if needed.