Job Overview: Special Education Teachers work in collaboration with lead classroom teachers and related service providers to plan and support students with Individual Education Plans (IEP) and Section 504 Accommodation Plans. There will be responsibilities of case management - IEP case management and Section 504 case management. Mundo Verde hopes to live into the principles of co-teaching to promote a model of inclusive education, differentiation of instruction, universal design of instruction, and shared accountability for all students’ educational outcomes. This position has no direct reports. We take seriously the responsibility to achieve equity for our students and work to build an inclusive culture.
Reports To: Special Education Teachers report directly to the Director of Student Services.
Responsibilities and Duties
Classroom Tasks
- Assume responsibilities for delivering specialized instruction designed to result in students’ progress and mastery of skills, high quality student work, and student demonstration of Mundo Verde values.
- Ensure that general education staff have access to IEPs and Section 504 Accommodation Plans. Additionally, as appropriate, general education staff and related service providers should have access to Attendance Success Plans.
- Employ multisensory teaching strategies based on an understanding of student strengths and weaknesses and learning styles
- Monitor and support implementation of goals in inclusive classes, collaborate with related service providers, monitor service delivery, and provide accommodations/modifications/adaptations/ support, consistent with the provisions of IEPs and Section 504 Accommodation Plans.
- Work in collaboration with all general education teachers and related service providers to meet the unique educational needs of students
Individualized Education Plan Tasks
- Encourage parent partnerships and maintain regular, positive, and meaningful communication with parents/caregivers regarding student progress, success, and difficulties
- Develop both initial and updated IEPs based on present levels of performance and curricular standards and content
- Report achievement of progress toward goals at the end of every advisory period
- Collect data in preparation for the annual IEP review meeting and the annual Section 504 review meeting
- Maintain student work samples, test scores, anecdotal data, and classroom observation information
- Promote family engagement
Case Management Tasks
- Coordinate special education and related services for students on assigned case management list
- Communicate regularly with families and provide them with student schedules
- Develop draft IEP, 504, and ensure parents receive those drafts along with other data, reports, etc. that will be discussed at meetings, at least 5 school days before the scheduled meeting
- Ensure all communications with families are documented in the Communication Log of SEDS if the child has an IEP and in a teacher-made log if the child has a Section 504 Plan
- Ensure all teachers who work with the child have items listed on the plans of support and report when this is not the case to the Director of Student Services
- Ensure IEP progress reports are received by parents according to timelines and so noted in the Communication Log of SEDs
- Provide requisite weekly data to include service trackers to the Inclusion Coordinator or Inclusion Manager
- Ensure fidelity of implementation by all for IEPs and Section 504 Plans, reporting any issues with implementation to the Director of Student Services
- Attend pre-planned evening events such as Expo, family visits, Community Conversations, Back-to School Nights, etc.
- Attend school wide events, such as orientation, prospective parent info sessions, family potlucks, etc., as requested
Other duties as assigned