Job: Full-Time Preschool Director
Grade/Ages: Preschool 2.5 years-old - Preschool 4 years-old
Pay Type and Range: Salary $36715-$67829 based on education and work experience
Benefits: life, medical, dental, eye insurance, and emergency assistance funds available
Description: Blessed Sacrament Catholic School seeks a caring, cooperative, and motivated Preschool Director. The Preschool Director is a qualified professional educator who meets the requirements to teach in a Catholic school in the Archdiocese of Denver. The director is hired by and directly accountable to the principal and pastor of the school. The director is expected to abide by the policies and procedures of the local school, the Archdiocese of Denver, and the Office of Catholic Schools. The director cooperates with the principal and staff in providing an environment that promotes the ministry of Catholic education.