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Office Manager

Job Details

Del Amo Motorsports - Redondo Beach - REDONDO BEACH, CA
$25.00 - $25.00 Hourly


The Office Manager is responsible for organizing, supervising and coordinating administrative operations, which include, Accounts Payable and Accounts Receivable, inventory control, benefits management and human resources. Keep complete, up-to-date and accurate records of accounts and financial arrangements for the dealership. Verify and compile reports and financial statements.

The following duties for the position listed shall include but not be limited to;


  • Directing and coordinating the dealerships administration staff, as well as setting goals and deadlines for the Administrative Department.
  • Reviewing operational reports and schedules to ensure accuracy and efficiency.
  • Analyzing internal processes, recommending, and implementing procedural or policy changes to improve operations.
  • Classifying, recording, and summarizing numerical and financial data in order to compile and keep financial records.
  • Checking figures, posting and documents for correct entry, mathematical accuracy and proper coding.
  • Compiling statistical, financial, accounting or auditing reports and tables pertaining to such matters as cash receipts, expenditures, accounts payable and receivable, and profits and losses.
  • Reviewing invoices/payment request for policy adherence.
  • Ability to meet deadlines.
  • Abide by all dealership policies pertaining to the department including general housekeeping.
  • Follow company dress codes and be well groomed at all times
  • Any other specific duties deemed necessary for the overall success of the department and the dealership as a whole.
  • Maintain a positive working relationship with all other managers, employees and departments


  • Strong background in the motorsports industry.
  • Computer literacy.
  • Knowledgeable in all administrative areas.



  • Minimum 5+ motorsports industry experience. Additionally, have working knowledge of dealership and administrative positions. Required to have strong mathematics, customer service and organizational skills, economics and accounting.
  • College degree or equivalent.
  • Proficiency with Microsoft Office applications, or the equivalent, is expected and familiarity with additional accounting software programs is valued.
  • Evaluating information to determine compliance.
  • Creative problem solving skills with the ability to think strategically and act tactically.
  • Highly organized with ability to multi-task across multiple projects; excellent project management skills and attention to detail.
  • Require strong, excellent verbal & communication skills to deal with customers, employees, and vendor.
  • Ability to work well under pressure in fast-paced environment with multiple strict deadlines.
  • Expert software skills including MSWord, Excel, and PowerPoint. Strong background in business, mathematics, & marketing.
  • This position reports directly to the Controller



  • Sales, Service, Parts & Accessories
    10:00 A.M. - 6:00 P.M.
    Monday - Friday


  • All employees who work more than six (6) hours per day are scheduled for a lunch period of thirty (30) minutes to one (1) hour without pay. If you are scheduled to work under six (6) hours you may take a thirty (30) minute unpaid meal break upon request and approval. Your supervisor will post your scheduled meal period on the bulletin board if needed. This time must be reflected on your time card or time sheet.
  • You are entitled to and encouraged to take one ten (10) minute rest period during each four (4) hours worked. Depending on customer traffic, schedules for these rest periods may vary.


  • Outgoing personal phone calls should be rare and on an emergency basis ONLY. Incoming personal phone calls should be limited to 2 minutes and redirected to after-work hours. Use of personal cell phones is strictly prohibited in the building. Del Amo Motorsports reserves the right to monitor any and all conversations for quality assurance.
  • Merchandise or personal belongings are NEVER ALLOWED on the floor, under tables, behind cashier counters, or in the immediate vicinity of POS terminals. All personal belongings must be stored in employee lockers ONLY located in the employee lounge room. No food is permitted on or about the vicinity of the selling floor. Each employee is responsible for keeping the selling floor, the break areas, and the rest rooms and storage areas neat and clean for yours and your co-workers respect. Refrigerators and any cabinets are not to be used as overnight storage areas.
