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History Teacher Sabbatical Coverage

Job Details

Lick-Wilmerding High School - San Francisco, CA
Full Time
Bachelors Degree
$6,666.67 - $13,333.33 Salary/month


Position Description: 

Lick-Wilmerding High School currently seeks a dedicated educator to join our History Department as a full-time teacher beginning August 2024 for a one semester sabbatical leave coverage. 

Ideal candidates will demonstrate the capacity to teach 2 semester-long Senior seminar courses across four classes on topics determined by the teacher in consultation with the History Department Chair. This teacher also should expect to be available to students for individual help outside of class, to serve as an advisor to a group of approximately 12 students and their families.

As an institution committed to educating the whole child, we both invite and expect teaching faculty to participate fully in the academic and co-curricular life of the school. This includes, but is not limited to, furthering the mission of the school through participating in our Advisory, Public Purpose, and DEI Programs; as well as routine attendance in all curricular team meetings, department meetings, faculty meetings, and office hours to support students when needed.



Job Specific Qualifications:

  • A preferred minimum of 3 years of experience in teaching students how to read, write, think and speak critically about the study of history, emphasizing patterns, themes, and relevance over data and recall
  • A demonstrated commitment to teaching and pedagogical development at the high school level
  • Experience working with diverse populations, contributing to campus diversity efforts, and/or evidence of cultural competence
  • A commitment to anti-racist history pedagogy, diversity, equity and equitable instruction in the history classroom
  • Experience with student-centered teaching and learning, including differentiated instruction for students across various academic and social backgrounds
  • Interest in curriculum development, curricular innovation, and professional development
  • Interest in and ability to collaborate on a grade level curriculum team
  • Excellent oral and written communication skills


  • Fierce advocacy for students and their needs
  • A willingness to engage across difference with empathy and understanding
  • Social and emotional acuity
  • An understanding of your own identity and related positionalities
  • The ability to nurture and encouragelife-long learning through joyful, authentic, and rich learning experiences
  • A profound openness to giving and receiving feedback for improvement, modeling lifelong learning and a growth mindset

To Apply:

Please attach a cover letter, resume, and the names and contact information of three references, one of whom should be a direct supervisor to this application. Should you have any clarifying questions or comments, please email Alegria Barclay at
